Retrieve closed alerts

A FREE API access user can retrieve the list of alerts that were closed and won in the last 15minutes.
He can only request the list every 15minutes.


If the user receives an empty list, he can retry without waiting for 15 minutes.

A FULL API access user can retrieve the list of alerts that were closed, whatever their statuses are, in the last 15minutes.
FULL API access users do not have to wait for 15 minutes.


The user should be logged in.


Get alerts/closed response object

The response object contains the list of alerts.
The attributes of an alert are:


id - integer fmt:int64
ID of the alert.

ticker - string
Ticker concerned by the alert.

instrument - string enum
Markets of the alert
  • ETFS

durationStrategy - string enum
Duration type of the strategy
  • short
  • long

direction - string enum
Direction of the strategy
  • BUY
  • SELL

start - number fmt:float64
Starting price of the alert.

target - number fmt:float64
Price aimed by the alert.

stop - number fmt:float64
StopLoss price of the alert.

exit - number fmt:float64
Closing price of the alert.

gain - number fmt:float64
Gain realized by the alert.


A negative gain means that the alert was a losing one.

A positive gain does not mean your credit will be consumed.
It will be only if the gain have reached a certain threshold.

status - string enum
Final status of the alert
  • WON
  • LOST

startedAt - string fmt:date-time
Date of alert detection.

closedAt - string fmt:date-time
Date of alert closure.

Authorization header

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoidG9rZW4iLCJmb3IiOiJ1c2VyIiwid2l0aCI6ImdyYWRlIiwiZnVsbCI6dHJ1ZX0.sWNz-Z0oGGWoSwaVlOGyzCQdYCWJQmKSSFvZIJzchZw

Get alerts/closed response object

	    "id": 1234,
		"closedAt": "2024-04-07T13:28:46.451608246Z",
		"exit": 69531.6,
		"durationStrategy": "short",
		"direction": "BUY",
		"gain": 529.6,
		"instrument": "CRYPTOCURRENCIES",
		"start": 69002,
		"startedAt": "2024-04-07T13:19:46.451608012Z",
		"status": "WON",
		"stop": 68997,
		"target": 69872.4,
		"ticker": "BTC/USD"
	    "id": 1235,
		"closedAt": "2024-04-07T13:27:46.451608481Z",
		"exit": 18842,
		"durationStrategy": "long",
        "direction": "BUY",
		"gain": 88,
		"instrument": "FUTURES",
		"start": 18754,
		"startedAt": "2024-04-07T13:17:46.451608374Z",
		"status": "WON",
		"stop": 18749,
		"target": 18836,
		"ticker": "FDXM.EUREX.M2024"
        "id": 1236,
		"closedAt": "2024-04-07T13:26:46.451609251Z",
		"exit": 3233.64,
		"durationStrategy": "short",
        "direction": "SELL",
		"gain": -5,
		"instrument": "CRYPTOCURRENCIES",
		"start": 3228.64,
		"startedAt": "2024-04-07T13:19:46.451609144Z",
		"status": "LOST",
		"stop": 3233.64,
		"target": 3217.4,
		"ticker": "ETH/USD"